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We have recently started producing short explainer videos and are currently working on expanding. Keep checking back for more updates. We hope you enjoy them and find them useful. Follow the links below.
Tort law
Negligently inflicted psychiatric injury
Barnett v Chelsea & Kensington Hospital
Occupiers liability
Occupiers liability part 1 1957 Act
Occupiers liability part 2 1984 Act
Sedleigh-Denfield v O Callaghan
Liability under Rylands v Fletcher
Criminal law
Liability for omissions in criminal law
The 'but for' test in criminal law
Recklessness for property offences
Voluntary manslaughter - diminished responsibility
Voluntary manslaughter -loss of control
Involuntary manslaughter -constructive manslaughter
Involuntary manslaughter - gross negligence manslaughter
Consent to non-fatal offences against the person
Overruling, distinguishing and reversing
Original, binding and persuasive precedents
Literal rule advantages and disadvantages
Golden rule advantages and disadvantages
Mischief rule advantages and disadvantages
Purposive approach advantages and disadvantages
Contract law
Bilateral and unilateral contracts
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company
Contractual agreement - acceptance
Intention to create legal relations
Conditions, warranties and innominate terms
Hong Kong Fir Shipping v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha
Incorporation of contractual terms
Nature of Law
Differences between civil and criminal
Law and fault part 1 - the meaning of fault
Law and fault part 2 - Is fault required in establishing liability?
Law and fault part 3 - Should fault be required in establishing liability?
Law making/sources of law
Judicial precedent
Overruling, distinguishing and reversing
Original, binding and persuasive precedents
Statutory interpretation
Literal rule advantages and disadvantages
Golden rule advantages and disadvantages
Mischief rule advantages and disadvantages
Purposive approach advantages and disadvantages
English Legal system
Training and role of solicitors