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We have recently started producing short explainer videos and are currently working on expanding. Keep checking back for more updates. We hope you enjoy them and find them useful. Follow the links below.



Tort law




Duty of care

Duty of Care case quiz

Negligently inflicted psychiatric injury

Donoghue v Stevenson

Caparo v Dickman

Robinson v CC Yorkshire 

Breach of duty

Breach of duty case quiz

The objective test

Risk factors

Nettleship v Weston


Barnett v Chelsea & Kensington Hospital

Remoteness of damage

Novus actus interveniens

Volenti non fit injuria

Contributory negligence



Occupiers liability


Occupiers liability part 1 1957 Act

Occupiers liability part 2 1984 Act

Ratcliff v McConnell

Wheat v Lacon





Private nuisance

Sedleigh-Denfield v O Callaghan 


Liability under Rylands v Fletcher


Criminal law

Actus reus

Actus reus must be voluntary

Liability for omissions in criminal law

R v Khan & Khan

Causation in criminal law

The 'but for' test in criminal law

Novus actus interveniens

The thin skull rule

Mens rea intention

R v Woollin

Cunningham recklessness

Recklessness for property offences

Contemporaneity rule

Thabo-Meli v R

Fagan v MPC  Youtube clip

Transferred Malice

R v Mitchell


Strict liability 


Fagan v MPC  Youtube clip

Logdon v DPP


R v Williams Gladstone


R v Chan Fook

DPP v Smith 2006

S.20 GBH and wounding

S.18 Wounding and GBH

R v Burstow


Actus reus of murder

R v Cunningham 1982

Voluntary manslaughter - diminished responsibility

R v Ahluwalia

Voluntary manslaughter -loss of control

R v Byrne

R v Duffy

Involuntary manslaughter -constructive manslaughter

R v Khan & Khan

Involuntary manslaughter - gross negligence manslaughter

R v Adomako

R v Khan & Khan


R v Brown 1993

Consent to non-fatal offences against the person



Aggravated burglary

Simple Criminal Damage

Aggravated Criminal Damage



Involuntary intoxication

Voluntary intoxication

R v Sheehan & Moore

The defence of insanity

Non insane automatism

R v Altham

Aims of sentencing

Types of custodial sentence

Sentencing Procedure




Jury Challenges

Jury qualifications

Jury vetting

Advantages of the jury

Disadvantages of the jury

Stare decisis

Ratio decidendi

Obiter dicta

Hierarchy of the courts

Overruling, distinguishing and reversing

Original, binding and persuasive precedents

Balfour v Balfour

Literal rule

Literal rule advantages and disadvantages

Golden rule

R v Allen

Golden rule advantages and disadvantages

Mischief rule

Mischief rule advantages and disadvantages

Smith v Hughes

Purposive approach

Purposive approach advantages and disadvantages

Internal aids

External aids

Pepper v Hart

Rules of language

Aims of sentencing

Types of custodial sentence

Sentencing Procedure

Contract law


Bilateral and unilateral contracts

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company

Offer and invitation to treat 

Termination of an offer

Contractual agreement - acceptance

Intention to create legal relations

Jones v Padavatton

Balfour v Balfour


Chappel v Nestle

Promissory estoppel

High Trees


Economic duress

Term or representation

Bannerman v White

Conditions, warranties and innominate terms

Hong Kong Fir Shipping v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha

Terms implied at common law

The Moorcock

Incorporation of contractual terms

Discharge by frustration

Discharge by performance

The rules on damages

Heads of damage





Nature of Law

Laws, rules and norms

Differences between civil and criminal

Rule of Law

The Separation of Powers

Parliamentary Sovereignty

Law and fault part 1 - the meaning of fault

Law and fault part 2 - Is fault required in establishing liability?

Law and fault part 3 - Should fault be required in establishing liability?

Law making/sources of law

Judicial precedent

Stare decisis

Ratio decidendi

Obiter dicta

Hierarchy of the courts

Overruling, distinguishing and reversing

Original, binding and persuasive precedents

Balfour v Balfour


Statutory interpretation


Literal rule

Literal rule advantages and disadvantages

LNER v Berriman

Golden rule

R v Allen

Re Sigsworth

Golden rule advantages and disadvantages

Mischief rule

Mischief rule advantages and disadvantages

Smith v Hughes

Purposive approach

Purposive approach advantages and disadvantages

Internal aids

External aids

Pepper v Hart

Rules of language



English Legal system


Jury Challenges

Jury qualifications

Jury vetting

Advantages of the jury

Disadvantages of the jury


Training and role of solicitors


Law and fault part 1 - The meaning of fault